Joseph Duclos
Joseph Duclos de Bouillas was born in Toulouse in 1719.
Coming from a prosperous and respected family of merchants, he inherited three tanneries in Lectoure with his brother.
This entrepreneur at heart decided to bring them together in a single factory. He asked the architect Pierre Racine to build a majestic building that could accommodate a hundred artisans. These artisans would be encouraged to develop the best innovations in leather goods, while respecting the environment, while guaranteeing a unique finish.
In 1754, Louis XV recognized the quality of Joseph Duclos' work. To encourage him to go further in his know-how and to develop a luxury leather without equivalent in Europe, he signed his letters patent. This was the opening of the Royal Leather Factory.
The Royal Factory
Our story begins in 1754, when King Louis XV signed the letters patent in Versailles which led to the creation of the Royal Leather Factory.
It brings together the best artisans in France, handling this noble material with a know-how that remains unmatched in Europe.
The Age of Enlightenment
In the 18th century, the spirit of the Enlightenment illuminated all of France.
The idea of knowledge as a vector of spiritual and material progress permeates the entire kingdom and is found in all sectors of activity.
The desire to develop ever more ingenious and environmentally friendly techniques is omnipresent, including behind the doors of the Manufacture royale de Lectoure.
Today, Maison Joseph Duclos is reconnecting with this intellectual effervescence which celebrates artisanal excellence.
She is once again turning to meticulously tested methods to breathe new life into leather goods that embody enlightened luxury.

French craftsmanship
Maison Joseph Duclos has drawn its expertise from the techniques of the Age of Enlightenment. Each of its artisans has learned to master these forgotten methods, which take a long time to implement and perfect.
Today, they work in the tradition of the Manufacture Royale 1754, with leathers of unfailing strength and exceptional quality.
They choose the noblest raw materials and the most precious metals to enhance their pieces down to the smallest details.
They are the guardians of an enlightened expression of luxury, recognized for almost three centuries.

Our commitments
Our decision to reconnect with the wisdom and expertise of the Enlightenment reflects our desire to craft leather goods that embody enlightened luxury – leather goods that require time and commitment.
From the tanning of our natural leathers to the assembly of our artisanal bags, including the manufacturing of our jewelry and the bottling of our perfumes, each of our steps has been carefully studied.
We are constantly striving to reduce our ecological footprint and increase our social impact.
Joseph Duclos